Non-planar condensed ring structure 非平面密集环状结构分集环形天线测向器
The moon is thought to have condensed rapidly from this ring. 普遍认为,月球正是由这个圆环迅速凝结而成。
By ultraviolet spectrophotometry, it can know the volatile component of oil smoke sample included hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes and ketones, carboxylic acids and its derivative, condensed ring compounds, heterocyclic compounds and amines. 红外光谱分析标准油品挥发组分初步认定为烃类、卤代烃类、醇酚醚类、醛酮类、羧酸及其衍生物类、稠环杂环类和胺类等。
Novel condensed ring derivative with advanced optical and electrical properties has become extensive study area of liquid crystalline material for display in recent years. 新型稠环衍生物类液晶具有优越的光电性能,是近年来显示用液晶材料研究的热点领域;
Volatile matter, hydrogen content, nitrogen content, H/ C, oxygen content in oxygen functional group decrease with the increasing of inertinite content. But carbon content, aromaticity and the number of condensed ring are opposite. 挥发分、氢含量、氮含量和氢碳比随惰质组含量的增加而下降,碳含量、芳碳率和缩合环数随惰质组含量的增加而增加。
Quantum chemistry calculation of electronic spectra of six condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbons functional material 6种稠环芳烃有机功能材料电子光谱的理论计算
Synthesis of the condensed ring derivative liquid crystal in which lots of new methods and reagents are used to get higher yield has active value for reference. 在合成中运用了大量新方法和新试剂,收效显著,有较高的参考意义。
The Synthesis of Organosilicon Compounds and Its Polymer Containing Condensed Ring Group ⅳ The Synthesis of Silanes Containing Acenaphthenyl Group 含稠环基团的有机硅化合物及聚合物的研究IV.含取代苊基有机硅烷的合成
Synthesis of novel chiral condensed ring lactones 新型手性杂环并环丁内酯的合成研究
With condensed ring aromatic hydrocarbon that differentiation construct, molecule linear and fine, absorb wavelength to be the longer, absorb the intensity to strengthen. 同分异构的稠环芳烃,分子线性愈好,吸收波长愈长,吸收强度增强。
Development in Synthesis of Condensed Ring Derivative Liquid Crystal 稠环衍生物类液晶的合成进展
In the case of pyridine [ 1,2-a] benzimidazole, a series of condensed ring compounds with no phosphonate were obtained. 在进行吡啶并[1,2-a]苯并咪唑磷酸酯类化合物合成过程中,意外以较高产率得到一系列无磷酸酯基取代的新型稠环化合物。